Posts tagged Healthy Living
Healthy Living is Uphill and Worth the Challenge

John Maxwell is known for his quote, “Everything worthwhile is uphill.” In contrast, it’s easy to coast downstream. It’s easy to not workout. It’s easy to not prepare meals. It’s easy to leave for work without packing lunch. It’s go downhill in any and every area of life: health, relationships, grades in school, marriage, good habits, flossing, prioritizing rest, parenting, etc.

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A Time for Heroes: How to Be Your Best in the Worst of Times

How do you want to seem during this season? To whom are you looking and listening to help you become and remain that way? Today might be the day to make some adjustments, not just for your own sake, but for the sakes of your loved ones, and those looking to you for wisdom, comfort, courage, and strength.

“Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.” - Socrates

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What Do We Do Now?

There are so many opportunities that have just been given to us, we just need to re-focus away from the media and back onto our families and what we can influence. Take this opportunity to take a deep breath, look around you, realize how blessed you really are, and make the most of this gift of time!

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