Posts tagged Health
Your Three-Part Being: Thinking Beyond Our Physical Bodies

At my and my husband's gym, we believe that we as human beings are comprised of three parts: a soul, a spirit, and a body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The part we train in the gym is important, but it cannot last. No matter how hard we train, no matter how well we eat, no matter how far modern medicine advances, one day, we will take our last breath.

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Are You Building Health or Building Disease?

What did you have for dinner last night? Think about what the ingredients were that made up your dinner. Then ask yourself, is this building health or building disease (dis-ease)? When we begin creating awareness of what we’re eating, then we can start to change for the better.

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Attitude Is Everything

925’s culture is unique, but each of our lives, workplaces are unique as well. We have the ability to go to those places, live life with our family and friends, and be a positive, joyful, optimistic, uplifting person and see those around us flourish because of it, or, we can be negative and watch our poor attitude spread and spiral around us. Even if you aren’t the most positive person currently, just thinking about being more joyful each day and in as many situations as you can, you will see a change for the better.

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