Posts tagged thankfulness
Adapting to Change

"The resultant “entropy obstacles” aren’t always easy to deal with. They can require massive effort to work through, but the truth is, many times the harder the effort, the better, more satisfying, and profoundly positive the result tends to be.

Obstacles are the catalyst for change and change can be, if viewed and managed correctly, the catalyst for unbelievably beneficial results.

What areas of your life have you let entropy control for too long? What obstacles are you avoiding taking on? How much can your focused effort and hard work on these things create positive changes for you and those around you?"

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Attitude Is Everything

925’s culture is unique, but each of our lives, workplaces are unique as well. We have the ability to go to those places, live life with our family and friends, and be a positive, joyful, optimistic, uplifting person and see those around us flourish because of it, or, we can be negative and watch our poor attitude spread and spiral around us. Even if you aren’t the most positive person currently, just thinking about being more joyful each day and in as many situations as you can, you will see a change for the better.

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