Ingenuity in the Hurricane of Noise

“Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.” -Bob Richards

By Ben Tyler, Owner and Head Coach

We’re all adapting to a temporary “new normal” as we find ourselves with more time at home with our families, or for some, more time alone. We’re all watching and discussing how the world is reacting, adjusting, and combatting COVID.

It’s not hard to become overwhelmed by data, studies, theories, opinions, experts weighing in, politicians debating, laws being made or removed, underreaction or overreaction, and on down the rabbit hole it all goes. There are, however, some people that are standing out from the fog of informational noise. A few people have chosen to sit back, filter through the noise and find and share things that will actually help us.

There are studies being completed that now have more time, better controls, larger sample spaces, and more varied perspectives participating. There are countries that have tried something different and are getting enough time now to share their results. There are people trying new treatment ideas, thinking out of the box on how to design, manufacture and make new masks and ventilators and moving forward with steady determination to help improve the situation.

What is refreshing about these people and organizations is that they are providing simple, data driven, hype and political bias free information in an easy to understand way. They don’t argue, blame, or talk down to others, but they provide data to help and like a rising tide, slowly, steadily, with unwavering determination push the noise out of the way. They use ingenuity, courage, and consistent hard work to help the situation improve, instead of just adding to the clatter.

We have been striving to do the same thing at 925 over the years, but even more so now. We’ve moved all our clients to Remote Coaching and reinvented how we deliver a perfectly designed workout to each of our clients based on their goals. We have built closer relationships through 1-on-1 contact each week and each day, even more in many cases than before we closed our physical location.

It’s not been an easy process and has pushed us in many ways that are uncomfortable or unfamiliar. However, through maintaining an open mind, we’re finding new ways to help encourage, motivate and provide accountability to our clients. Many are now working out more than they were before COVID happened. We’re seeing improvement to habits faster, less lag time between when we hear from a client needing help staying on track or changing their goals.

We are building a closer, more personal connection, which allows us to be more effective at helping our clients get fit and build their immunity and strength against this virus and all other maladies that attack us throughout our lives.

From a Fitness and Wellness perspective, we provide a source of clear, actionable information and direction in the middle of the whirlwind of noise coming from every direction. We look at data, provide an objective viewpoint on our clients current fitness and help them see the exact steps they need to take to accomplish their goals. They can ignore everything else and trust us, and, those that do, see results. Having a guide, a mentor, and in many cases, a friend you can trust to lead you in certain areas makes a world of difference.

Right now, we all need to be as strong, fit, and healthy, in body, mind, and soul as we possibly can be. There will be repercussions and effects from this situation for years to come. Governments overreactions and underreactions, laws being ignored and created, treatments being tried too soon or not soon enough, etc… it’s all going to have an effect on our lives for some time.

However, like the quote at the beginning of this, we can choose to be stressed, sit on our hands and worry, or we can step up to the plate, harden our gaze forward and rely on our God-given blessings of ingenuity, courage, and hard work to help us get through this stronger than when we started.

I encourage you to shut off the noise, give yourself time away from social media, or even your phone and decide where and how you’ll spend your energy in the days to come. The choice is yours.