Our Vision
Picture above from our garage in 2012
By Ben Tyler, 925 Head Coach
Ever since 925 was created in our garage back in 2012, our goal has been to help others improve their lives through fitness and the relationships that come along with being part of the 925 community.
Our vision has changed slightly over the years, but only when it comes to supporting our team and helping them grow both personally and professionally.
925’s official Vision Statement is:
Our vision is to help as many people as possible get fitter, healthier, and happier so they can have a greater positive impact on their families and communities.
We’re constantly tweaking and refining this as we better understand our purpose, but for now, this reflects what we do each day very well.
925 is not just a place where you can get high-quality Personal Training, CrossFit Classes and Nutrition Coaching and overall support improving your health and fitness. It’s a community of people trying their best to make themselves better so they can better help their family, friends and those around them. We have an incredible team of Coaches and staff delivering a wonderfully effective fitness program, but, 925 is so much more than that.
For me, I get excited when I see one of our clients volunteer to build a house or sign up for a missions trip, or even simply go on a hiking trip they wouldn’t have considered, due to their health, before 925. Another favorite example is seeing parents keeping up with their kids, able to be an active part of their lives because they’re fitter and stronger.
I love seeing older adults realize they don’t have to accept that “Things just don’t work the way they used to,” and instead get excited about being able to do something they haven’t been able to do before. Or, listening to them telling me how much better they feel in their upper 50s than they did in their lower 40s!
925 could be just another gym that has fitness classes and provides a great workout. Thankfully, our focus is on things that truly matter: adding quality to your life with family and friends, helping you have a stronger, more confident state of mind to face the ups and downs of life, and live longer to see and be a part of your grandkids’ lives.
Going full circle, Diana and I named 925 after 1st Corinthians 9:25. This passage out of the Bible helps ground us in our goal: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
In everything we do, we strive to focus on what matters and what will last beyond our physical bodies. The relationships you make in life and the ability to give of your time and physical capabilities to help others has an impact that will last long beyond your time on earth. Every day that you get to work out, improve your health, and get closer to those around you is an opportunity to make a difference that will last forever.
I challenge you to spend some time thinking about how you can use your good health to help others. Or, if you’re in poor health, why are you waiting to make the changes that will help you be a blessing to those around you?