Healthy Living is Uphill and Worth the Challenge

Healthy Living is Uphill and Worth the Challenge.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

John Maxwell is known for his quote, “Everything worthwhile is uphill.” In contrast, it’s easy to coast downstream. It’s easy to not workout. It’s easy to not prepare meals. It’s easy to leave for work without packing lunch. It’s go downhill in any and every area of life: health, relationships, grades in school, marriage, good habits, flossing, prioritizing rest, parenting, etc.

It’s easy to not take things seriously in life. And then 10, 20, or 50 years later, consequences happen. On one hand, I witnessed a teenager who was 5 years cancer-free because of making the hard choices to eat well and reversed cancer with a 90% death rate. But I’ve also witnessed several who kept eating refined sugars and the Standard American Diet (SAD) against the advice given, and cancer took their lives. I’ve also seen overwhelming un-managed stress and the resulting health repercussions rob so much from people’s lives. What foundation are you building?

And beyond your own health, what foundation are you building for your children and grandchildren?

One of my favorite questions to ask is: “1 year from now (or 5, 10, etc.), what will you wish you started today?” Imagine your life 1 or 10 years from now and what you want it to look like so you create the habits for that lifestyle. 

Keep choosing uphill!

P.S. If you’re on the path to better nutrition and looking for a much faster way to meal prep with recipes customized to you, click here to be added to our wait-list for notification of our meal prep options (including weekly emailed meal plans with shopping lists, recipes, timelines, and the option for an app with certain Nutrition Memberships!).