What Do We Do Now?


By Ben Tyler, 925 Owner and Head Coach

By now, most of you are spending a significantly higher percentage of your time at home. You’re not eating out or going to movies and sports events, you’re likely working from home or at home taking care of family, and you’re not going to your gym. The reality of this situation will likely be with us for the next 2-3 months, or at least wisdom would guide us to mentally prepare for a longer time away from our normal external activities.

While this is a big interruption in our normal day-to-day life, it has a huge amount of positives:

You get more time with those we’re closest with. How often are you able to get weeks with our family outside of vacation? For most, the reality is nights and weekends. Now, we get to spend every day with family and get the chance to build and rebuild relationships that will absolutely benefit from more time together. It’s not always easy, family never is, but growing together through things are how the best relationships are built.

You have time to catch up on things. Being home will have its distractions, but it will also allow you to work on those projects you’ve put off or haven’t had the time for. You can declutter your living space, binge some Marie Condo and end up with a much less cluttered life (which is a huge stress reliever, by the way). You can do some landscaping, clean out the garage, sell or donate unneeded items, catch up on financial planning, build a better budget, or a plethora of other things. Each one you accomplish will be a little more weight off your shoulders and give you that much more time back.

You have time to workout. Guess what? You don’t have anywhere to be, which means you have no excuse not to take care of yourself physically. Especially considering the massive immunity and health benefits of exercise in times like this, I’ll put it nicely: go outside or into your garage or living room and workout!! :) Building a habit now will help you maintain it the entire time you are social distancing and in your home. You have the opportunity to come out of this fitter than when you went in. Find a few friends or your Coach and start a text thread, text them every day you workout or ask for accountability from your Coach (we’re doing Remote Coaching with all our clients - they get a phone call, text/app message twice a day on their workout days with a workout designed for them at their house, with their equipment so we can make sure we’re helping them stay their fittest through all of this). Accountability is key, and your friends and family are all in the same boat. Help them by leading!

You have time to cook. Cooking takes time and preparation as we all know. However, you now have a blessing of extra time! Eating healthy is actually fairly easy, the recipes are simple, and once you get into the habit, you’ll hold on to those habits for a long time because the food is delicious! (if you need a head start, e-mail us at info@crossfit925.com and we’ll send you a meal plan to get you started) Eating well is also a phenomenal way to boost your immunity and your overall health, which again, is critically important right now (and always, honestly). Take the time to cook for yourself and your family and enjoy the positive change it will bring to your health and wellness.

You have time to learn. How many books do you have piled up waiting to be read? How many online courses have you wanted to take but never had time? How many things do you need to figure out how to do or get better at? What projects or hobbies have you been wanting to do? You now have the time to do those things and even better, you can do them with your families too! Learning to build a garden or reading books together is a great way for your whole family to learn, have fun, and build a closer relationship. If you live alone, there are many books that will help you grow through this and come out the other side a little bit wiser, more motivated and encouraged.

There are so many opportunities that have just been given to us, we just need to re-focus away from the media and back onto our families and what we can influence. Take this opportunity to take a deep breath, look around you, realize how blessed you really are, and make the most of this gift of time!
