It’s the number 1 nutrient in our body and makes up more of our body than anything else (at least, it should!). (1) The answer is water.
Read MoreI’m an active duty Army Chaplain with over 18 years of service (14 active and four with National Guard). I was a banker and financial analyst after college. I later received the call to ministry, so off I went to seminary, and became a local church pastor.
Read MoreSleep plays a huge part in the development of babies, adolescents and teens. Missing 30 – 60 minutes of sleep could impact how the child feels the next day or two. Parents know that sleep is important, but how much sleep should children be getting? We are going to break down how much sleep children should be getting based on age, side effects of not enough sleep, and some great bed time routines.
Read MoreIf you’ve ever stopped into CrossFit 925 or any other CrossFit gym, you’ve probably noticed athletes sipping on something before or after the workout. So what exactly ARE those drinks? The short answer is a clean blend of vitamins and nutrients to aid in post-workout recovery. At 925, we keep our fridge stocked with recovery drinks from LifeAid Beverage Co. LifeAid offers a variety of recovery drinks each designed with its own purpose: recovery, cognitive function, performance or an immunity boost. Every can is certified non-GMO tested, Vegan, Paleo Friendly, No Sodium, Certified Gluten Free, Kosher, and they never add any artificial flavors or sweeteners. This makes the LifeAid products a perfect fit for 925’s focus on educating and providing our athletes with the best options to keep you healthy and recover faster so you’re able to get back in the gym sooner.
Read MoreMy name is Angela Clarke. In 2007, I enlisted in the United States Army exactly one week after my high school graduation and served nearly 8 years in Military Intelligence.
Read MoreAt 925, we recommend eating REAL food first as the simplest and best way to get your nutrition and health under control. From there, we begin to dial in the types of food and macro-nutrients needed to maintain a successful and healthy life. Only after these things are in control, or, if life circumstances make it difficult for you to reach your macro goals, do we suggest supplementation. As you progress, there are supplements to help you recover faster and provide you with performance boosts, but these are not nearly as effective without a solid foundation of proper nutrition.
Read MoreI joined the Air Force in 1993 because honestly, I had no idea what else to do and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Turned out it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Read MoreIntermittent fasting. To determine whether it's a good option for your health goals, it's important to understand what it is and how it works. As a broad overview, intermittent fasting is taking periodic breaks from consuming most foods, gum, and beverages. The most common way to do intermittent fasting is with a 16 hr fasting window and an 8 hr eating window. A good example of this would be to fast from 8 pm through 12 pm the next day, and eat 2 meals between 12 pm and 8 pm.
Read MoreAlmost 3 years later, more than 50# lighter, lost bunch of dress sizes and inches,
I am still learning everyday at the gym to improve strength, endurance and fueling my body with ideal macro and micro nutrients so I can continue to gain muscle and maintain healthy living.
I encourage you to take the first step forward and the rest will be history.
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