Posts in Fit Kids
Time to Catch Some Z's

Sleep plays a huge part in the development of babies, adolescents and teens. Missing 30 – 60 minutes of sleep could impact how the child feels the next day or two. Parents know that sleep is important, but how much sleep should children be getting? We are going to break down how much sleep children should be getting based on age, side effects of not enough sleep, and some great bed time routines. 

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Healthy After School Snacks

School is back in session which means the 3:30 snack routine has started. Even while I was growing up, the first thing I did when I got home was go to the fridge or pantry and find something to eat. Kids eat lunch no later than 12:30 and some before 11:00 AM, so by the time 3:30 rolls around the tummies are grumbling. “I don’t want you to spoil your dinner”. Raise your hand if you’ve said that before. Let’s talk about some healthy snack options that won’t spoil dinner.

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Keeping Your Child Active and Healthy - Part 2

Welcome back for part two of this series on keeping your children physically active. Last week I wrote about creating small moments throughout the day and focusing on fun to get your kids excited and moving. Dance parties, water balloon fights, races to the mailbox and walks to the park can be incorporated into your routine. Today, I’ll shared two additional tips for encouraging an active lifestyle.

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Keeping Your Child Active and Healthy - Part 1

We all know a physically active lifestyle provides many health and mental benefits but, in this technology-focused and sedentary age, getting your kiddos moving can be a struggle. One of the biggest motivators for getting back into the gym after the birth of my son was to begin leading by example. Since then, in an effort to stroke his interest in exercise, I incorporated some strategies to get him moving throughout the week that I’ll share with you below.

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Fit KidsCrystal JuarezComment