Posts tagged Sleep
How Melatonin Supports the Immune System

Sleeplessness and insomnia. Are these perceived maladies a blessing or a burden? Well, if you’re Adam Young, (creator of the well-known song, “Fireflies”), insomnia could be the key to your success. (1) However, even though insomnia may be an advantage when creating amazing music, writing your latest novel, or finishing that last-minute project due the next day, it’s typically a good rule of thumb to sleep at least a solid 7 hours per night. (2) Solid sleep is critical for our immune system (2, 3) and one component of good sleep is melatonin.

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Time to Catch Some Z's

Sleep plays a huge part in the development of babies, adolescents and teens. Missing 30 – 60 minutes of sleep could impact how the child feels the next day or two. Parents know that sleep is important, but how much sleep should children be getting? We are going to break down how much sleep children should be getting based on age, side effects of not enough sleep, and some great bed time routines. 

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