Immune System Support Series: Sleep

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By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

What’s your best defense against viruses, especially considering that “Viruses, including SARS, and influenza, can change quickly, thereby negating the efficacy of developed vaccines and targeted antiviral drugs (1)”? The answer might be sleep.

“In all of the research studies looking at mechanisms that support immune resilience, NOTHING comes close to getting plenty of good sleep — no supplement, no diet, and no other lifestyle strategy.” - Dr. Datis Kharrazian

Sleep is so important. One of the incredible benefits to our Nutrition Challenge and Nutrition Memberships is that many participants notice better sleep quality. This could be exactly what you need to support immune resilience and manage stress more effectively. 

Here is what participants say:

"Happy Week 2 Everyone! I’ve been sleeping an average of 6-7 hours without waking up in the middle of the night, I have more energy but most of all I enjoy the food I’m eating!” - Angela 

Angela AFTER 2020 Nutrition Challenge.jpg

“Every nutrition challenge I’ve participated in has resulted in gains in muscle, losses in body fat percentage, overall loss of weight, gains in confidence and performance at the gym, stamina for playing with the kids, more focus at work and better sleep.” - Rich

Rich Mlynek AFTER 2020 Nutrition Challenge.jpg

“My clothes are already fitting better l, my joints don’t hurt and I am sleeping well.” - Andrew

Andrew Bedo AFTER 2020 Nutrition Challenge.jpg

“I have found that I sleep harder than I usual did before and my energy is up.” - Sema

Testimonial reported from Angie after 1 month of eating clean: 

  • Gets up in the morning and jumps out of bed...was never that way, used to be very grouchy and grumpy. Now, she can even skip her morning coffee. She doesn’t need coffee and only drinks it if she wants it.

  • Previously would fall asleep during the day.

  • Sleeping better overall...more energy. No sluggishness. Waking up naturally at 5:15am! Feeling a LOT better.

What about you? Are you ready to eat clean, build good lifestyle habits, and manage stress more effectively?

Click here to register by August 8 and be entered into our drawing. The final registration deadline is August 22 and the Challenge begins August 29. 

Do you have any questions before starting? Send me an email at

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