Losing Motivation

What do you do when you’ve lost motivation? How do you handle not having the energy or the mental capacity to take the steps you need to stay healthy? How do you burn stress when your stress levels are through the roof?

As COVID drags on, more people are hitting breaking points. They’re tired of being tired, worn down by uncertainty and worried about the future. For some, things are returning to normal and for others they are getting worse. As we approach school season, things will change again. What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. -Proverbs 15:22

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. -Proverbs 11:14

Proverbs has all sorts of wisdom on many subjects, but these two verses highlight the solution to the problem of staying motivated.

When I run out of answers or lose my motivation to keep working on something, I look for help in those close to me. Diana has been a constant source of encouragement and has helped me keep going when I reach difficult points in life. Problems come up constantly; obstacles are inevitable throughout our lives. How we handle them is what defines us.

Having a counselor, mentor, or coach can make a world of difference. When you reach the end of your rope and want to just throw your hands up, reach out to someone you trust who specializes in the area you need help with. All you need to do is simply ask them for help. From there, they can help you find options that likely haven’t occurred to you.

Losing motivation happens. If you choose to remain stagnant, you’ll likely get stuck for awhile. But, if you reach out and ask for help, you will find a way out.

Here are a few examples:

  • I can’t find time to workout: Ask your coach. If you have 4 minutes, we can find a workout that will be a good start.

  • I am not motivated to workout: Ask your coach. We can talk about what else is going on in your life and work on other positive things. There is more to fitness that just the workouts!

  • I don’t want to run any more: Ask your coach. We can find a type of training you enjoy and make a plan you’ll enjoy

  • I can’t eat healthy: Ask your nutrition coach. We can start simple, you can change one small thing at a time

  • I can’t afford to eat healthy: Ask your nutrition coach. We can eat less of the most unhealthy things and free up some budget for a few healthier items

  • I can’t find time to cook healthy food: Ask your nutrition coach. We can set you up with pre-made meals that show up at your doorstep

  • I am tired and feel terrible because I’m not being active: Ask your coach. We can call you a couple times a week and give you something active you’ll feel like doing and have fun with that day.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Ask your coach. We are here for you. We care about you. We want you to succeed and we will do whatever it takes to help.

You will never find time for anything.
If you want time you must make it.
- Charles Buxton