How to Build Good Habits

How to Build Good Habits.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Whether you’re addicted to sugar, bread, ice cream, diet coke, or want to sleep at least 7.5 hours each night instead of 6, most everyone has a habit they want to change for the better. What’s yours? Is your daily life in line with who you want to be 5 or 20 years from now?

Tip 1: Look back. Think about a great habit change that you made that stuck for the long-term. What made the difference in continuing the habit? Why did you keep up that habit? This will give you clues into how to create another great habit.

Tip 2: Define who you are. Being all in will set you up for long-term change. Ask yourself the following questions and write down the answers:

  • Who do I want to be 1 year from now, 5 years from now, or 20 years from now?

  • What habits are in line with who I will be at those points?

Visualizing where you want to be will trick your brain into believing it has already happened, and then, you subconsciously start to align your actions towards that concept and eventual reality of who you are becoming!

Tip 3: Work backwards from the long-term picture of who you want to be and define what specific habit to alter. Start small with this step to get immediate wins. Small wins will give you the sense of accomplishment you need to create momentum to keep going. Ask yourself: What’s a small change I can take today to set myself up for success? (Examples: sitting down to map out a workout schedule or plan the next month’s healthy meals.)

Tip 4: Commit. When you’re 100% all-in and on board with who you want to be and the habits that align with that picture, you’re most likely going to commit to the process. If you’re not bought in, ask yourself why. Digging to the root of the problem will help you problem-solve to your desired outcome. 

Tip 5: Find accountability. When you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to, your probability of completing a goal goes to 95% which is quite astonishing (1). Who in your life is committed to your success? Who will help you stay on track with consistent check-ins for support and encouragement? When you think of someone, ask them if they will be your buddy (you can help them with their goals too!) and meet consistently (notice the word “appointment” above).

At CrossFit 925, we are committed to your success. With nutrition, we have several options for the accountability/support you need with 1:1 sessions and group Nutrition Challenges. With fitness, we have 1:1 personal training and small group classes. You also have the option to schedule Goals Sessions each quarter with your Coach to stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. Decide which form of accountability you will start with.

Tip 6: Share your timeline and plan with your accountability buddy. In my case, when I know I’m going to share a goal/plan with someone, it almost forces me to create a realistic timeline because I want to succeed. Create your realistic timeline and begin.

Tip 7: Replace and remove. If you’re building new habits, chances are, you have habits that don’t serve your goals. The best way to remove a habit is to replace it. Think about it, if you have a habit of eating 3 pop-tarts as your breakfast every day, and you simply cut out the 3 pop-tart habit, you may find yourself starving mid-morning and eating 4 pop-tarts instead. Instead, replace the pop-tarts with your new positive habit of a healthy breakfast option. 

Tip 8: Get up when you fall. It’s human to not be perfect all the time. Don’t stress over the little upsets because that can lead to patterns of defeat. Instead, acknowledge what happened and plan your next step to get back on track. For example, if you eat a pop-tart for breakfast (not in line with your goals), you don’t have to eat two more. Drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water to support blood sugar levels, and proceed with a healthier breakfast. Research findings show that apple cider vinegar has significant antihyperglycemic effects meaning that it counters the accumulation of excess sugar in the blood (2). Once you drink this (or some other strategy), you’ve already created a small win towards your goals!

Tip 9: Plan rewards for reaching milestones. Did you successfully lose 5 lbs, lose 25 lbs, or level up in your fitness? Plan a healthy reward like a massage or going on a road trip to your favorite scenic spot. Planning rewards for your journey can create added motivation for working towards goals.

Tip 10: Create an environment for success. If you’re building the habit of a healthy daily breakfast, keep healthy breakfast options available on the counter, in the fridge, and the pantry. Also, remove all pop-tarts and other items not in line with your goals from the premises!

Tip 11: Sleep. Being well-rested is a precursor to better cognitive performance, motivation, and overall decision-making abilities (3). Starting with the habit of good sleep can help set the foundation towards other good habits.

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