Veterans Day: Angela Clarke, United States Army


My name is Angela Clarke. In 2007, I enlisted in the United States Army exactly one week after my high school graduation and served nearly 8 years in Military Intelligence. What initially inspired me to join was a change of scenery. At the time, I had failed my 11th grade AP English class and was listed as a junior my senior year. I was desperate for a way out of living a rough life in Miami. My childhood was traumatic and my teenage years weren’t much better. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to earn a degree, travel the world and learn a valuable skill set all at once. The military was my way out to break the cycle of poverty and create a new life for myself (and now my son). My love for serving my country came later into my military career. I was proud to be a part of something greater than me. To this day, those were the best, toughest, and monumental moments of my life. It further shaped me into the God fearing, strong and intelligent woman that I am today.

  • Hobbies: I love anything art related - singing, dancing, writing - and CROSSFIT!!

  • Favorite CrossFit Workout and/or Movement: Deadlifts!!!

  • Least Favorite CrossFit Workout and/or Movement: Push-ups and anything with a squat. =(

Always with a kind word and a beaming smile, Angela is someone you can’t help but love. She’s humble, grateful, hardworking, smart and friendly. Dedicated to her workouts, you’ll typically find her knocking our her workouts at our early morning class, 5 days a week. We’re so happy to have her as a member of our community and watching her fitness journey through the years. Words cannot adequately express how grateful we are for your sacrifice and bravery you have given to protect our country and freedom.