Veterans Day: Mark Lee, United States Army


Mark Lee, 925 Member Since 2016

I’m an active duty Army Chaplain with over 18 years of service (14 active and four with National Guard). I was a banker and financial analyst after college. I later received the call to ministry, so off I went to seminary, and became a local church pastor. I served concurrently with the Hawaii National Guard as a Chaplain because I wanted to serve in the military. After 9/11, I felt called to serve full-time in the Army, so I went on active duty in 2015, after MUCH discussion with my wife. We’ve been stationed in Washington State, South Carolina, Republic of Korea, and Texas. I've also deployed to Iraq twice (thought about purchasing some real estate there, but decided against it).

Currently, I serve as a clinical educator of Chaplains at Brooke Army Medical Center, for the Army Medical Department Center and School, at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In addition to doing CrossFit as a part of my PT regimen, it has become my one and only hobby. Previously, my unique hobby was to collect degrees. Hence, I’ve collected a PhD (in theology), Doctor of Ministry (DMin), Master of Divinity (MDiv), MBA, and BS.

Most importantly, I’ve been married for 18 years to my wife, Kyo Young Park. We have two daughters: Nicole, 11th grade at Reagan High School, and Lauren, 6th grade at Lopez Middle School. I hope we can retire in San Antonio, or at least somewhere in Texas. I’ve been with CrossFit 925 for almost three years and have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this wonderful community. I look forward to returning in 2021, after my year-long deployment to Eastern Europe in January 2020!

  • Hobbies: I’ve not had time for hobbies because I was busy with work and getting two doctorates and now my certification (over a 10-year period). So, my wife helped me to claim that getting degrees and doing CrossFit are my two hobbies!

  • Favorite CrossFit Workout and/or Movement: every one of them are tough and challenging. But, I must my all time favorite is Cindy because it’s simple and yet challenging.

  • Least Favorite CrossFit Workout and/or Movement: anything to do with running!!

Mark brought his love of fitness to his family as well. His daughter joined 925 during the 2019 summer, so you can catch them working out alongside or passing each other after class each week. We love when our athletes excitement and dedication to fitness sparks interest in their family; it’s something that should bring families together. Mark’s proven that with his commitment and all the hard work he puts in each day, which he now gets to share with his daughter. Mark, we’re humbled and grateful for your continued service and love for our country and for the positive attitude and humility you bring to the box. We thank you for your service.