America's Problem and Our Solution

I normally write something myself, but I thought these two articles were worth sharing, each with their own perspective and, in my opinion, very valuable information and challenges for all of us. Enjoy reading!

1st Article:

“Dear America,

We have a problem. Our people are getting more sick and bigger, annually. While our life expectancy may be increasing due to advances in medicine, our quality of life is not improving. What’s happening is we’re sicker; longer.

We do not have “healthcare” in the United States.

We do not have “health” insurance in this country either. If it was “health” insurance, it would cover annual check-ups, gym memberships, massage therapy, acupuncture, nutritional programs, and stress reduction options. It’s unlikely your plan covers those things. However, you know what it does cover? Insulin for diabetes, ports for chemotherapy and dialysis, medication for your high blood pressure, surgery for kidney replacement after years of alcohol abuse, and surgeries to reduce the weight of the morbidly obese.

What we have is a “Sick Care” system.

Many Americans only pay for things that their insurance will cover. What is wrong with us? How did this happen? Where’d we go wrong?

You have a choice to make right now. It’s life or death and it can’t be put off much longer.

Life is made up of choices. Where you are right now, at this moment is a direct result of the sum of your choices in the past. Doing nothing is also a choice. You can make up a narrative to help yourself feel better, but that is the truth.

Stop lying to yourself.

Stop with the “I can’t.”

Whatever pity party that you want to throw for yourself has been cancelled.

We’ve spent the last decade helping people move better and feel better. The smiles on people’s faces when they tell us how great they now feel is priceless. The excitement we feel when they show us a picture from “50 pounds ago” is contagious. The tears in their eyes, when they tell us how, for the first time they were able to run around with their (grand)child/niece/nephew is the reason we do this.

It’s the reason we tell you things that your friends won’t, because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. We don’t either, but it’s our duty to tell you the truth.

It’s the reason we call and text you when you haven’t been to the gym in a week or two. Because you paying and not showing up is of little benefit to us, and no benefit to you.

It’s the reason we ask you what you eat and how’d you sleep. Because it all matters.

Are you finally ready to change?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.”


-Brian Strump

2nd Article:

“We laid out the facts: Available science points to personal health as our best available vaccine against Covid-19. Gyms, studios and personal trainers are essential parts of our collective mental and physical health.

I’m grateful for Today’s coverage, but wasn’t impressed with what happens at the end of the story. The hosts—Carson Daly, Craig Melvin and Hoda Kotb—try to be funny, and that’s fine, but their flippant and mocking reaction to exercise is a perfect example of our strange (and now deadly) cultural aversion to health and fitness.

The state of our health isn’t funny, and if we want to beat Covid, we need to immediately unmask these 5 truths:

Truth #1: Obesity kills. If we think Covid-19 is deadly, consider these numbers from the World Health Organization: At least 2.8 million people are dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Obesity increases the likelihood of a Covid-19 hospitalization 6-fold, because it spreads Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stress, depression and hypertension.

Truth #2: Two in three Americans are overweight or obese. Two. In. Three. It makes me wonder, if 2 out of 3 Americans were illiterate, would TV hosts mock them for going to the library?

Truth #3: Americans are gaining weight, and physical activity has declined. In a survey of 2,000 members, Nutrisystem found that 76% have gained up to 16 pounds during the quarantine, and wearable data shows that physical activity is down over 20%.

Truth #4: Gyms are safe, and positive Covid cases are not tied to gyms.

Research from the University of Oslo found no Covid-19 transmissions associated with fitness centers. As a result, Norway reopened its gyms.
A recent survey of 135 clubs with nearly 3.5 million check-ins found 0.004% of positive cases reported as of June 30.
Though Covid cases are spiking in Arkansas, contact tracing shows that only 0.3% of newly infected people visited a gym.
Our brands—Anytime Fitness, Basecamp Fitness and The Bar Method—as well as the fitness industry, have vastly expanded their safety protocols to meet stringent health guidelines.
Truth #5: Exercise is medicine. Time after time, even moderate exercise has been shown to strengthen our immune systems. Yet with notable exceptions like Dr. David Katz, public health experts have not used this health crisis to emphasize the effectiveness of exercise, diet and sleep. Health experts should be talking about the importance of personal health, not just Covid-19.

Here’s the bottom line:

When it comes to Covid, the fitness industry isn’t the problem, it’s the solution. Our members make a conscious decision to improve their mental and physical health by working out.

Aren’t they worthy of having access to the gyms, clubs and studios?

Aren’t we all?”


-Chuck Runyon, via Linked In”