Immune System Support Series: Manage Stress (Part 3)

Manage Stress - Immune 3.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

What are some supplementary options for managing stress? Here are a few tips...

Be smart with your supplements. Not all supplements are created equal. Many supplements in stores (even Whole Foods) contain fillers and cheap, synthetic versions of nutrients. Need help determining what supplements to choose? A couple of brands you can find online or in certain stores are NutriGold and Oregon’s Wild Harvest (this brand has a Stress Guard supplement). If you need more specific information on supplements, you can always schedule a Nutrition Session or consult a recommended healthcare provider (contact our Nutrition Director at for details).

Take adaptogens. Our Rebbl drinks at the gym contain certain adaptogens that help in managing stress. You can purchase adaptogens in other forms such as pills, powder, or tinctures. The brand, HerbPharm, also has a Stress Manager tincture.

Be aware of when your stress levels are higher, and take some extra measures to adapt better through the help of adaptogens!

But remember, you CAN’T OUT SUPPLEMENT A BAD DIET. Purchasing supplements while consuming poor quality “food” is not a good plan. For support and accountability with your nutrition, contact our Nutrition Director here:

Add 1-2 tsp of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar to your water. This is another way to support blood sugar regulation and it also has antihypertensive effects! (1, 2).

Your next steps:

  1. Rate your stress management (1-10).

  2. Start one of the stress management options in this post or a previous post.

  3. Rate and evaluate your stress levels in 2 weeks and in 4 weeks to measure if you’re moving in the right direction, or if you need to take any additional measures.


