How to Support Gut Health: Step 5

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By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

The final step in supporting a healthy digestive system for a healthier immune system is consistency with good habits. Once you have taken steps to help the digestive tract through awareness, removing stressors, adding nutrients, and supplementation, it’s important to stay on track!

It might seem easy to follow a healthy protocol for a short period of time, like 4 weeks. But supporting the digestive system in repair is not a quick fix. This process can take months or even years (1, 2). A healthy lifestyle is a daily choice reinforced with good habits that eventually will become autopilot. That’s what we’re here to support you with!

What’s your plan to not only get on track but also stay on track? Check out the infographic below for options with our bi-annual Nutrition Challenges (hosted in Jan-Feb and Sept-Oct), personalized Nutrition Coaching, and Meal Planning services!

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