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How to Manage Sugar Cravings

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Since we know that processed/refined sugars are detrimental to health, what do you do when you’re stressed and craving sugar? First, remember that the short and long-term outcomes of consuming processed foods are not worth it! Second, be strategic.

You can still have carbs and also consume foods that taste great. They need to be high-quality foods though.

Instead of eating donuts, eat fruits that are naturally high in sugar. What’s the difference?

Fruit is also high in water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which refined/processed sugars and foods are typically devoid of. The combination of nutrients in fruit means that the sugars are absorbed more slowly so they don’t create as much of a “sugar crash.”

So next time you’re craving a fast sugar source, reach for a higher-sugar fruit like banana or mango. And over time, start reducing your processed sugar intake with the healthy replacement of fruit.

The third and final strategy is supplementation. Consuming processed sugars can lead to mineral deficiencies and mineral deficiencies can lead to blood sugar imbalances...it's a vicious cycle. Look for a supplement that contains vanadium and chromium. Also, if you're not taking magnesium, considering taking a form orally or topically. (1, 2)

Do you need support and accountability with breaking a processed sugar habit? Reach out to let us know and discuss our Nutrition Coaching and Kickstart options!


(1) PMID: 30587761

(2) PMID: 6400452