Your Guide to a Great Smoothie


By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

If you’ve ever thought that smoothies weren’t filling or satisfying, this guide is for you. A great smoothie will keep you full and hopefully give you plenty of energy for your day.

From start to finish you’ll need: Water, Protein, Nutrients (optional), Greens, Fat, and Fruit. By including all four macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs, water), your smoothie will be a well-balanced meal.

Step 1: Add water to your blender. Suggested amount: 2 cups.

Step 2: Add protein. I prefer to use collagen powder and/or a plant-based vanilla protein powder. Suggested amount: 20-30g protein (1-2 servings).

Step 3 (optional): Add more nutrients...this could be camu camu powder (high in Vitamin C), liquid Vitamin D, or anything else you want to add.

Step 4: Add your favorite mix of frozen greens. Suggested amount: 1-2 cups.

Step 5: Add some healthy fat from nuts/seeds. I prefer hemp or sunflower seeds. Suggest amount: 1 tablespoon.

Step 6: Add enough frozen fruit (mango, pineapple, and blueberries work well) to make it taste great and this adds more water/fiber/nutrients. Suggested amount: ¼ - 1 cup.

Blend all on high until smooth!

Are you ready to work on increasing your energy through food that tastes amazing? Sign up for our Nutrition Kickstart by August 21!