Prepare Your Immune System for the Winter Season


By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

In the Summer months, it can be easy to support the immune system due to more sunshine (Vitamin D) and nutritious foods (fresh fruits and vegetables). But what extra preparation can you do to support the immune system in preparation and during the Winter months?

The five main areas to address are: supporting your gut, eating well, reducing and/or managing stress, sleeping well, and supplementing as needed.

If you’re lost on where to start, simply ask yourself: “What is one small step I can take today in just one of these areas (or all five if you’re ambitious) to build healthier habits?”

Breaking this down into smaller steps or habits can make the changes less overwhelming. Do what is realistic for you and the small changes will accumulate over time.

Here are some suggested ideas for these areas and habits!

  1. Support Your Gut.

    • Add one or more of the following foods/nutrients to your daily food routine: bone broth, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, local raw honey, garlic, and citrus fruits.

    • Instead of eating in the car or rushing through a meal, sit down and eat in a calmer setting.

    • If you’ve been on antibiotics recently, talk to your doctor about taking a probiotic supplement.

  2. Eat Well.

  3. Reduce and/or Manage Stress.

    • Stress can be a good reminder or trigger... Use anxiety, stress, and difficulties as reminders to trust God and pray. Challenges are inevitable and God is always here to help with every problem we will face.

    • Be intentional with choosing gratitude. Consider writing down 3 things you’re grateful for at the beginning and end of each day.

    • Workout daily!

    • Go out in nature for 20-30 minutes on especially stressful days.

  4. Sleep Well.

  5. Supplement as Needed.

    • If you’re not able to get out in the sunshine, consider taking Vitamin D3.

    • Some other nutrients to consider for immune support are NAC, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, and Omega-3 Fish Oil. But first, work on obtaining these nutrients through a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, and protein.

Do you need more specific support with your nutrition? Let us know so we can help you choose the best option available with our Nutrition Coaching and Kickstart options.