Immune System Support Series: Laughter as Medicine

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By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Stress, inflammation, disease...these words aren’t fun to think about. But an incredible antidote to these issues is fun to think about...laughter. 

“Laughter appears to cause all the reciprocal, or opposite, effects of stress.” - Dr. Lee Berk

Some benefits of laughter include…

  • Stopping the release of cortisol, a stress hormone

  • Triggering the production of feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine

  • Having a calming effect on the body

  • Having anti-anxiety benefits (1)

How can we increase laughter? 

One of the best ways is to spend time with other people. We’re 30 times more likely to laugh with other people than alone (2). Ideas: Phone a friend, watch funny movies/tv with a group, go hiking with friends, plan a small event, or do a WOD at 925 Strong to include many other immune-supporting benefits. 

Another amazing way to support laughter is to support overall health and thereby mental health (3, 4, 5). When the body and digestive system are healthy, life is better and it’s easier to laugh. 

One of the most simple steps to improving gut health is through consuming anti-inflammatory foods instead of processed foods. We now have Nutrition Membership options with customized meal plans and an app for instant meal planning, grocery lists, Instacart ordering, and more...all customized to you. Contact our Nutrition Director, Lydia Wallie, at to discuss options!

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