How to Support Gut Health: Step 3

How to Support Gut Health_ Step 3.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

When reducing and removing stressors to the digestive system, what do we replace those with? Read this post to discover how to replace harmful gut irritants with anti-inflammatory foods that support digestive health. Remember, a healthy digestive system supports a healthier immune system since a large portion of the immune system resides in the gut! (1)

Add more of the following to your nutrition plan:

  • High-Quality Fish Oil (omega-3 fatty acids). (2)

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Kasandrino’s is a great brand from Greece that’s family-owned). (3)

  • Local Raw Honey. (4)

  • Garlic. (5)

  • Citrus. (6)

Are you ready to get serious about your health? Contact us for our personalized Nutrition Coaching and Meal Planning services!





(4) DOI: 10.4172/2327-5146.1000132

