Our Athlete of the Month is Sam!

Sam is one of our dedicated athletes and always shows up ready to learn and give 100%. He has made incredible progress in the 8 months that he's been at our gym!

925: What was your fitness routine like before CrossFit?

Sam: Nonexistent for the most part….I would do a single round of improper form pushups and air squats 4-5 days/week and occasionally run a mile+ on Sundays.

925: What first appealed to you about CrossFit?

Sam:  I was interested in the gym location and the opportunity to work out in a group setting.  This Crossfit bug was unanticipated for sure and certainly a pleasant surprise.

925: When did you start CF, and what were your goals?

Sam: Simple…to be in the best shape of my life.  I started around April 2022.

925: Tell me about your first WOD, if you can remember it. If not, what are some of the first exercises/types of workouts you did at your first box? What were your initial thoughts on your performance/what you signed up for?

Sam:  The personal training/essentials sessions are a great base for what is to come in each WOD.  I had familiarity with very few of the movements.  My execution was decent in some areas but subpar in most.  My first WOD was tough but doable, I had no idea what was going on w/the scoring and was simply trying to keep up and follow the rep scheme.  The most memorable part of my first WOD at 925 for me was the welcoming atmosphere.

925: Did you ever feel like giving up or that CrossFit was too tough?

Sam: I have not felt like giving up. I personally enjoy the unique challenges presented in each WOD.  The only competition for me in the gym is myself.  I like the feeling that I left it all in the box with regard to effort.  The Level Method is great about keeping you in that proper effort zone.  

925: What are some of the differences you’ve seen between 925 and other boxes you’ve been in?  

Sam:  This is my first box experience!  I have asked several other athletes about their experiences at other gyms, and the answer is always the same.  The overall programming at 925 is amazing, and it is a great place to workout.

Edit after a drop-in workout at another gym:

Class size at 925 and actual constructive coaching is a huge difference!  The Level Method is a great tool for prescribing specific weights for each workout.

925: What have been some of the biggest challenges for you during WODs? (i.e., running [endurance], stamina, strength, body-weight movements, etc.)

Sam: Endurance and stamina have been a challenge.  I can see increases in both areas.  It is eye-opening how much the daily work leads to increased ability during WODs over relatively short periods of time.

925: How has your nutrition changed as a result of CrossFitting consistently? Do you think nutrition has a lot to do with your performance during WODs?

Sam: I made an effort to tighten up my nutrition prior to joining the gym.  Cooking at home as much as possible has made a huge difference, along with eating sensibly at each meal.  I firmly believe that nutrition plays a part in my performance in all my daily activities.

925: What have been some of your biggest accomplishments in CrossFit?

Sam:  Showing up everyday!

925: Have you achieved the goals you had in mind when you first began? If not, how close are you to reaching them?

Sam: I am satisfied with my progress to date in most areas.  I do have a long way to go, and I simply want to maintain the consistency that I have found here at 925.

925: Have you set any recent goals for yourself? If so, what are they?

Sam: Double unders!

925: How has CrossFit positively affected your life outside the box?

Sam: I am in a better place physically and my overall demeanor has improved as a result.  My family has noticed the changes, and it has challenged them to find consistency with their own physical fitness.  I am also no longer taking blood pressure medication!

925: What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

Sam: I enjoy the daily challenge.  Challenging myself and working out alongside others at the box who enjoy the same rigors.

925: Do you have any advice for anyone reading this who may be frightened or intimidated by CrossFit?  What would you say to those who think they're not young enough, in shape enough, or athletic enough to do CrossFit?

Sam: I would say that there are athletes at the box who are not young enough, or in shape enough, or athletic enough. The routine is what will drive your success.  If you are willing to commit just one hour of your day, then success is sure to follow. The Level Method and coaches are there to guide you, not push you.  Show up with the frequency that works for you and start building.  The key is getting to the box consistently.  I always say the best workouts are those days where you just don’t have it in you to make it to the gym. For me, those mental gains from showing up and showing out are immeasurable.

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