Fudge Brownie Banana Non-Dairy “Ice Cream”

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Servings: 2-4 (recipe can be doubled, quintupled, etc.)


  • 1 cup of gluten-free fudge brownies already made and cooled in the fridge (recipe here)

  • 1 fresh ripe banana

  • 2 tbsp cacao powder

  • 2 frozen bananas (in halves or thirds)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. In a Vitamix or other high-speed blender, blend the fresh ripe banana, then add one frozen banana and the cacao powder and blend until smooth using the tamper of your Vitamix. 

  2. Add the second frozen banana and vanilla extract and blend until smooth.

  3. Place this mixture into a shallow dish and place it in the freezer. Set a timer and stir every 10-15 minutes to harden into an ice cream-like consistency rather than rock-solid. This process will typically take around 30-60 minutes. Note: Using a shallow pan (a pie pan works well or a baking pan) helps it cool quicker.

  4. While that mixture is hardening, cut the brownies into cubes around 1/2-1 inch in length. You can then mix the brownie cubes into the “ice cream” mixture at any point.

  5. When it’s hardened enough, it’s ready to eat. Eat right away! Or, if you keep it in the freezer, you can try thawing.