Siang's 925Strong Testimonial

"I highly recommend nutrition challenges and consultations. Since joining CrossFit 925, I have lost 50lbs. Yes, I used to weigh around 200lbs about 4-5 years ago. When you hear you cannot out-exercise a bad diet, I can definitely attest to that.

Nutrition challenges or consultations are not only for people who have a lot of weight to lose, but they are also for people who are trying to maintain their current weight after achieving their goals. Trust me, maintaining is a lot harder than weight loss itself. It is also for people who are trying to gain lean muscle mass. For those who have issues with food... meaning eating out of frustration, mood swings, or whatever reasons, this is particularly helpful for you because you will learn to make peace with food.

I have gained a wealth of knowledge about myself and nutrition from multiple nutrition challenges that I have done.

You may wonder if nutrition challenges so helpful why am I doing it so many times?
My response is, this is a dynamic process and not a static one.

The first couple times, I did it to lose weight, then it became gaining muscle, and then I realized there is more to nutrition than body composition, it is mind and body.
Since we all go through life and sometimes life takes us through rough patches and you fall off your regular rhythm, that's no problem, you can complete a nutrition challenge and schedule nutrition sessions and CrossFit 925 will show you the right way. You have done it before and this is almost like learning the bicycle, you will get back on again, with some peer support.

Being in the medical field, I have seen a lot of sickness that is self-inflicted. Too much sugar, diabetes, and hydrogenated/trans fats. There's also a lot of gimmick diet plans out there... yes, they work for a short period of time, you lose weight and get to your goal, but for how long? Yo-yo diet and weight changes are worse for you than staying at your current constant weight status.

I would like to encourage you again to join a nutrition challenge/consultation to see what this is about for yourself.

Keep an open mind, if you are like me and many others that I have met along the way, you will come out learning a lot about how your nutrition actually impacts not just your weight but your mind too."