How Stress Impacts the Body: Overview

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Stressors in various forms can significantly influence mood, behavior, and overall health. If you’re young and healthy, acute stressors from time to time aren’t typically a health burden. However, when challenged with stressors that continue chronically, particularly if you’re older or unhealthy, the long-term effects of stressors can damage health.

Many variables will determine how well you manage and cope with stress, such as:

  • Genetics.

  • Constitutional factors.

  • Learned patterns of coping.

  • Exposure to intense and chronic stressors during the developmental years. (1)

Stress may manifest itself in the body in the following ways and more:

  • Digestive distress. (2)

  • Anxiety. (3)

  • Blood sugar imbalances. (4)

  • High blood pressure. (5)

  • Fatigue. (6)

  • Insomnia. (7)

Do you need help creating stress management habits? Let us know, and we’ll help you manage your stress prophylactically through our specialties: fitness and nutrition.


(1) PMID: 17716101

(2) PMID: 30258412

(3) PMID: 19685962

(4) PMID: 31485387

(5) PMID: 18282566

(6) PMID: 24959566

(7) PMID: 18071579