Strategies to Boost Energy Without Caffeine


By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

If you’re like many people, a boost in energy could help the daily/weekly routine. Here are several strategies to begin with.

Sunshine. Go outside at the first sight of daylight and turn the light on in your office. “Bright light has been shown to positively impact alertness, vitality and performance and may thus counteract fatigue by helping recover decreased mental resources.” By exposing yourself to light first thing in the morning, you’re also able to support your circadian rhythm. (1)

Vitamin D. On sunny days, aim for at least 15 minutes of sunshine on your skin for Vitamin D. And on cloud days, consider supplementing with one serving of Vitamin D3. (2)

Hydrate. Making sure you’re adequately hydrated can do wonders for your energy levels. (3) And did you know that under optimal circumstances your body is also made up of mostly water?!

Short Exercise Breaks Throughout the Day. Utilizing a break method like the Pomodoro Method (25 minutes of work/5 minutes of break) can help with energy throughout the day especially if you use those breaks for light exercise or stretching. Get up, move, and measure how your energy, focus, and productivity increase! (4)

Ready to increase your energy even more? Sign up for our Nutrition Kickstart. We still have some spots open so registration is now reopened through August 27!


(1) Smolders, Karin & De Kort, Yvonne. (2012). Bright light effects on mental fatigue.

(2) PMID: 21206551

(3) PMID: 20646222

(4) PMID: 29765853