Immune System Support Series: Manage Stress (Part 2)

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By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

In the last post, we discussed stress management from the perspective of the brain (perspective and mindset). But what about the body? How do we make sure we’re managing stress well in our fitness and nutrition? Here are several strategies...

Manage blood sugar levels. It’s a stressful experience to have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), so how can we keep blood sugar regulated? This can be accomplished by eating a balance of healthy protein, fat, and carbs. 

Aim for 30-50 grams of protein FIRST at your meal for optimal satiation between meals. And, make sure to include some healthy fat and carbs. Healthy carbs (sweet potatoes, fruit, etc.) are important as they contain fiber, water, and important nutrients. 

For more details on how much to consume of each macronutrient, read this post on portions. A generally healthy macronutrient breakdown is 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs.

Be smart with carbs. Eat the healthiest options and “stairstep your carbs” for optimal cortisol rhythm and sleep support. What does this mean? Eat fewer carbs in the morning, and the majority of your carbs in the afternoon and evening. “At night, the muscles are more sensitive to insulin and they take the carbs before the fat gets to do so. Eating them at night also helps the body relax and repair the cycles leading to good sleep and fewer aches and pains.” (1) When we sleep better, our immune system works more effectively and we have a higher stress tolerance. 

Ready to take your nutrition to the next level? Contact our Nutrition Director at We’re here to help you live a healthy lifestyle!


(1) The Adrenal Reset Diet by Alan Christianson, NMD