Here's Your Chance to Upgrade Your Nutrition

SUMMER Nutrition Challenge 2020 Promo.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

With everything in our lives changing so much in the past couple months, we decided to provide a Nutrition Challenge that you can do from home with the WHOLE FAMILY (or all by yourself!).

Be sure to register by Friday, May 15 for the preparation meeting on May 16! (And if you can't make it, there will always be recordings of the meetings).

Here’s what our participants say!

“I’ve learned that I don’t NEED Diet Coke, and frankly I don’t know if I will ever drink one again. I’ve built a love for water that I didn’t know was possible. I have more energy than ever and am loving the way my clothes fit!” - Melanie

“I went into this challenge with very little motivation...but my clothes were getting too tight, and I knew my eating habits were out of control. I decided I was going to have to just start putting one foot in front of the other until the motivation came...and it didn't take long!

Within the first couple of days I felt energized about having a new goal. From there, I started to feel better physically. After a couple of weeks, my pants were already fitting more comfortably. I was reminded just how delicious whole foods are. I was reminded that making good food choices makes me feel mentally and emotionally stronger.” - Jennifer

“This Challenge really hasn’t been quite as difficult as I originally thought it was going to be. The “success factor” for me has been that if I take in enough calories (especially protein!) then I’m not craving any junk food or non-compliant foods.” - Andrew

“For me, the challenge was an eye opening experience . I didn’t realize how much junk I was consuming until now.  I have found that there is a healthy alternative to most foods. So I now make a conscious effort to read labels before buying foods and am doing more organic foods than I used to.  And I am no longer drinking Red Bull; didn’t think this was going to be possible!” - Adel

“I thought it would be torture, but by the second day my cravings were gone. I am perfectly happy with the food options available and find it easy to stay on the plan.” - David

“(Week 2) I noticed I had way more energy. I’m not as lethargic as the first week and I’m able to think clearer throughout the days. I also noticed my skin changed. Less facial breakouts and more smooth, soft skin. Above all else, I’m re-training my brain to use food as fuel and not as my very comfy, snuggly weighted blanket.” - Angela

“I have learned so much about reading labels. I am also enjoying cooking new recipes. What has surprised me the most is that I am actually really liking the foods I am eating just as much as the foods I took out of my diet.” - Nancy

“i learn that seeing results in weight loss is 97.9% what you eat. i felt so clean and my body felt pure during this challenge. it felt good to treat and feed my body the way it is supposed to be treated/fed.” - Hunter

“I really started seeing and feeling the difference of two weeks of the Nutrition Challenge - my clothes are already fitting better. I feel much less bloated and my acid reflux, which is constantly nagging me, has disappeared!” - Rich

“My clothes are already fitting better l, my joints don’t hurt and I am sleeping well (week 1). Update on week 2 of the Crossfit 925 nutrition challenge. I have always struggled with food. In the sense that I love food. Last week I had a break through when I realized that I can enjoy food without the food being bad for me. Clean whole food is awesome, and when I’m done eating it I don’t feel terrible. I struggled a bit with eating out but then I found that many restaurant had whole 30 compliant meals. So Yay me. The big win for me though has been seeing what constant exercise and a healthy diet could do. Thanks Crossfit 925 and team heat rash for helping me feel better than I have in a long time.” #the925difference - Andrew

“Being in the medical field, I have seen a lot of sickness that is self-inflicted. Too much sugar, diabetes, and hydrogenated/trans fats. Theres also a lot of gimmick diet plans out there... yes, they work for a short period of time, you lose weight and get to your goal, but for how long? Yo-yo diet and weight changes are worse for you than staying at your current constant weight status.

I would like to again encourage you to join a nutrition challenge/consultation to see what is this about for yourself.  

Keep an open mind, if you are like me and many others that I have met along the way, you will come out learning a lot about how your nutrition actually impacts not just your weight but mind too.

Sugar and mindless eating were identified to be my downfall. One thing I definitely noticed is I started to shop in the grocery with a purpose “again” and reading ingredients list. Eg yesterday at wholefood, picked up couple of so called healthy snacks, looked closer, and I see canola oil, significant amount of added sugar and list of ingredients even if I squint my eyes I couldn’t read because it is in such small prints.” -Siang

“I have found that I sleep harder than I usual did before and my energy is up.I’ve also been cooking a whole lot more often at home so everyone’s meals have been healthier. ‼️surprisingly I’m doing ok with no sugar and my cravings aren’t unbearable‼️ - Sema

“The main physical benefits that I had were more energy and some weight loss. By the end of the challenge, I was healthier and had developed a new understanding of food.” - Nicole

“I appreciate the encouragement from everyone at 925 and the support that I got. It helped me get to where I am today.” - Jason