How Much Do I Eat?

How Much Do I Eat.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Are you looking for a simple method for determining portions? Check out the guide below.

Your meal includes protein, carbs, and fat.

  • Pick a protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs)

  • Fill at least ½ of your plate with low-starch, colorful vegetables (your goal is the full rainbow of colors every week!)

  • Starchier vegetables (roots and tubers) are a helpful addition if you need additional carbohydrates (i.e. you are very active)

  • Add a little fruit (berries or oranges are great) if you like.

  • Add healthy fat (ex. Avocado. Meals may already contain some fats: fatty meats or cooking oil)

Food Portion Size.png

Portion Control Quick Guide:

  • Your palm = protein portions.

  • Your fist = veggie portions.

  • Your cupped hand = carb portions.

  • Your thumb = fat portions.

Keep in mind, portions may vary depending on activity level, hormones/menstrual cycle timing, and more.

Note: If you find yourself needing to snack in-between a 4-hour break between meals, you may need to adjust your macros (for example: check to see if you consumed fat, protein, and carbs at your meal), or increase the size of your meal (portions).

Do you need accountability with your portions, food quality, or making sure you’re on track with your goals? Send me an email at to book an Intro Session! Or, book your Session here.