Meet 925 Ambassador: Dawn Becker


Dawn Becker has been a long time member of the Ambassador Program and has been an avid support of 925 since the beginning.

I didn’t participate in sports growing up, and even joined ROTC in high school so I wouldn’t have to go to gym class. I did, however, keep active by singing and dancing my way through high school in a show choir, playing trumpet in high school and college marching bands, and (this really shows my age), teaching aerobics in my late 20’s and early 30’s.

In 2015, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and, not wanting to take medications, knew I needed to do weight training for my condition, but had no idea where or how to start. A friend kept suggesting I try CrossFit. In February 2016 I found CrossFit 925 online and visited one of their free Saturday morning community workouts. I felt the family camaraderie immediately and was warmly welcomed and gently coached to fit movement to my level by Coach Ben. After a few Saturdays of “trying it out,” and Coach Ben walking me through how to recover from the soreness each week, I knew I had found a place that really cared about their clients, and their potential, and that this was the place for me to work on strengthening my bones.

Now, almost four years later, my bones are stronger (my doctor believes in another 2 years my bones could be back to a normal density!!), I have lost fat and gained muscle through the amazing nutrition classes offered at 925 (I had no idea I needed), and the girl who didn’t want to go to gym class in high school, and who couldn’t run 400 meters without stopping to rest in 2016 has started looking for competitions to participate in. I have become addicted to a new lifestyle, a lifestyle of making wise choices to attain health and fitness. The credit goes to CrossFit 925 and the coaches for making this journey fun!

As an Ambassador, I want to give each 925 athlete I meet the sense of family I felt upon joining, and the encouragement and hope as they work on reaching their goals. My husband, Will, and I have been married since 1983. We introduced our two children, Luke and Anna, to CrossFit and love that we can exercise together as a family.

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