10 Ways Our Nutrition Kickstart Makes You Money!

Because cost can be a concern with our Kickstart, I thought about how the Kickstart actually saves people so much money long-term. Short-term decisions have long-term consequences, and we all have to face those consequences so let's make great choices!

  1. You save on restaurant costs. It's almost 5x more expensive to eat out!

  2. You save on gas and car costs because you're not driving to said restaurants or paying Favor/Door Dash/Uber Eats.

  3. You save on alcohol costs.

  4. You save on special Starbucks frappe fill-in-the-blank drinks.

  5. You save on all the tips you would have spent at restaurants and coffee shops.

  6. You save on doctor visits and prescriptions since you're not sick as much and don't have to take as many sick days off work. You also save on health insurance since doctor visits can increase your premiums.

  7. You save on antacids, blood pressure meds, anti-depressants, NSAIDs, and other drugs/medications since your digestion, stress, and mood are better.

  8. You save because you earn more money. When you eat well, you have more energy to workout, and people who workout are shown to make more money on average than those who don't.

  9. You save because you spend less on your children's doctor/hospital bills. Healthier choices may lead to healthier genetics, healthier offspring, and fewer disease-related expenses for your children and grandchildren. The benefits can last for generations.

  10. With better health quality from eating well, many Nutrition Kickstart participants get off their meds. Imagine the clearer focus that you'll have and how much more productive you'll be at work and home, which may lead to more promotions and opportunities. You could even start that dream side business idea you were too tired to pursue before. The ROI on eating well keeps increasing!

What will you do with all that extra money in the bank? Pay off debt? Serve/support others in need? Save a life? Invest? Buy better quality food? The options are countless!

Sign up for our Kickstart today and start tracking your ROI tomorrow!


Crystal JuarezComment