Words of Life

In our daily lives, we regularly talk and interact with others. In almost every interaction, spoken or written word is used to convey ideas and emotions. We see the power of those words in famous novels, essays, speeches and, unfortunately, in propaganda, politics, and the tearing down of adversaries.

Watching any length of TV or browsing the internet shows us just how wonderful or divisive words can be. Talking with someone face to face also shows how powerful discussing opinions and ideas with others can be - especially when it’s about things we disagree on (as I wrote in my last blog).

I was reading an email this morning (here) on the power of the tongue:

“Three things never come back: the spent arrow, the spoken word, and the lost opportunity. What we say cannot be unsaid”.

And I realized how many opportunities I’ve had to say something encouraging, or to speak the truth to someone, even when uncomfortable, knowing it would have a chance to help that person.. and I chose not to. Or, the times I’ve been frustrated or stressed and didn’t let me self control keep me from saying something I shouldn’t have.

Watching things play our currently geopolitically and within our own country, I can’t help but wonder how much could be helped with clear truth spoken and less rhetoric and crisis-speak. How much could we benefit from humble, truthful leadership, who are willing to stand strong on their convictions instead of waffling back and forth on political talking points and using words as weapons?

We may not have influence on that scale, but we do have a huge amount of influence on those in our circle of relationships, even in passing with strangers at a gas station. How much could a small word of encouragement or a friendly bit of humor help someone who may desperately need that bit of care? I would argue it can be far more positive than we realize.

Sometimes, as a coach, I’m amazed at how a little bit of encouragement can light someone up during a workout. They could be doing the most insufferable thing imaginable, burpees and thrusters for example, but because someone is standing there encouraging them, they can do more of them, faster, and with less struggle.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21)

Words are powerful. Those that use them flippantly or to tear others down can do some serious damage. But, those that make a point to lift others up, to speak the truth in love, are truly speaking life into other’s lives.

Take some time this week and think about how you can encourage someone or speak life into someone else, it’s worth the effort, and will likely encourage you as a result, too!

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