Our 925 Strong Athlete of the Month is Lillian!

Lillian has been a part of the 925 Strong community since May and is a positive, consistent, and hard-working athlete in the afternoon class. We're so proud of her progress and pleased to feature her as our Athlete of the Month!

925: What was your fitness routine like before CrossFit?

Lillian: I worked out at a gym three to five times a week before starting CrossFit. I also played pickleball five to six days a week. However, because of a health crisis in my family, I spent about two years mostly away from working out as frequently. Before joining 925, I had been working out consistently again for a little less than a year.

925: What first appealed to you about CrossFit?

Lillian: I wanted to build strength and muscle which I didn’t seem to be able to accomplish on my own at the gym. What drew me to 925 is that the name of the box is based on 1 Cor 9:25. Christian faith is an important part of my life, and I loved that the owners express their faith at their business. Preparation of the soul is important as is the preparation of the physical body.

925: When did you start CrossFit, and what were your goals?

Lillian: I started CrossFit mid-April this year. My goal is to be healthy for my family and myself. My children have one living parent. I want to be here for them, and set a good example of living an active, healthy lifestyle.

925: Tell me about your first WOD, if you can remember it. If not, what are some of the first exercises/types of workouts you did at your first box? What were your initial thoughts on your performance/what you signed up for?

Lillian: Because of the Level Method, I was able to complete my first WOD and not feel intimidated about the challenge. A few weeks later, I was brave enough to sign up for my first Murph workout. It was scaled for my ability level, and I was able to participate.

925: Did you ever feel like giving up or that CrossFit was too tough?

Lillian: Absolutely not! CrossFit is tough in a good way. Finishing a WOD feels amazing because I have completed a workout that pushed me. I have had days that I have looked at the WODs and thought it is going to be a hard workout. I’ve shown up anyway and been glad that I did. I’ve been through a couple of hard life events, and being fit makes a difference both physically and mentally when those times come. None of us can avoid trials, but we can make a choice to prepare.

925: What are some of the differences you’ve seen between 925 and other boxes you’ve been in?

Lillian: The Level Method makes a significant difference in knowing the scaled movements for the WODs. The coaches at 925 cover the movements and make sure you are doing them correctly. In other boxes with larger class sizes, it’s easier to be overlooked, especially for someone like me who is quiet and doesn’t want to ask the coach for a scaled version of each movement. At 925 when you have completed the personal training sessions, the coaches know your level.

925: What have been some of the biggest challenges for you during WODs? (i.e., running [endurance], stamina, strength, body-weight movements, etc.)

Lillian: Body weight movements are challenging for me. Over the past few months, I know I am getting stronger so it keeps me motivated to keep training.

925: How has your nutrition changed as a result of CrossFitting consistently? Do you think nutrition has a lot to do with your performance during WODs?

Lillian: I eat mostly clean, real foods. Before 925, I ate more veggies than meat, no dairy or gluten. I have started focusing on eating more protein, including raw cheese. I definitely notice that what I eat affects my workout in helping me get through it. The protein is helping with building muscle. Then without a doubt, I notice that eating a cheat meal results in less energy.

925: What does a typical day of eating look like for you?

Lillian: Eggs and fruit/ chicken thigh and squash / lean beef, sauerkraut, green beans, and fruit.

925: What have been some of your biggest accomplishments in CrossFit?

Lillian: I am lifting heavier weights and making progress in different movements.

925: Have you achieved the goals you had in mind when you first began? If not, how close are you to reaching them?

Lillian: I am noticing progress toward my goal of building muscle and reducing fat. I see muscle definition and changes in my fatty problem areas.

925: Have you set any recent goals for yourself? If so, what are they?

Lillian: I want to be able to complete a push-up from the floor. It’s my next challenge to level up, and I want to be able to accomplish it. I also want to be more efficient at rowing!

925: How has CrossFit positively affected your life outside the box?

Lillian: I feel healthy and confident. I can easily carry in groceries, including the Costco dog food bag or water softener salt bag! When I travel, I’m not wrestling with my luggage. I notice many practical everyday benefits.

925: What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

Lillian: The other athletes and coaches are encouraging and friendly. The family atmosphere is wonderful. Everyone welcomed me from the start.

925: Do you have any advice for anyone reading this who may be frightened or intimidated by CrossFit? What would you say to those who think they're not young enough, in shape enough, or athletic enough to do CrossFit?

Lillian: I wish that I had not waited to start CrossFit. To anyone hesitant about starting CrossFit, you are stronger than you think. Don’t defeat yourself with your own thoughts. You can do it and you are worth it.

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