Is the Nutrition Kickstart Right for Me?

Is The Nutrition Kickstart Right for Me.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Mark your calendars for you, your family, and/or your friends! The 2021 Nutrition Kickstart is August 29 - October 16.

We offer 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching as well as bi-annual Nutrition Kickstarts at 925 Strong. What’s the difference?

A Nutrition Kickstart is a cold turkey approach to eating well. You’re 100% committed to eating well during the entire duration. For this upcoming Kickstart, week 1 will be prep week: Eat as normal but adjust the Kickstart by emptying your fridge/pantry and replacing those foods with the outlined foods on our Shopping Lists. Weeks 2-7 will be the actual Kickstart where you track certain healthy habits for points and prizes.

On the other hand, Nutrition Coaching is a customized habit-based approach where we focus on improving one habit at a time.

To assess whether you’re a good fit for the Kickstart, rate your current nutrition on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Awful and 10 being Awesome. If you’re in the 1-4 range, I recommend 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching. If you’re in the 5-10 range, I recommend the Nutrition Kickstart.

Here’s a way to think about this...if you’ve never worked out and you jump into doing Rx CrossFit 5x per week, you’re not going to feel very great! In the same way, if you haven’t been eating well for an extended period of time and you change everything in one day, your body will go through some intense detox and you will most likely feel terrible and not want to follow through. A more gradual, one habit at a time approach is more sustainable for this type of scenario.

Next steps. Ask yourself: How do you rate your current nutrition status on a scale of 1-10? Are you a better fit for 1-on-1 Coaching or the Nutrition Kickstart?