Strategies to Increase Willpower (Part 8)

Strategies to Increase Willpower_Pt8.png

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Here is strategy #8 to increase your willpower. Work on one habit at a time.

Instead of overwhelming yourself with a New Year’s type resolution to overhaul your entire lifestyle instantly, try focusing on just one realistic habit. Focusing on one habit over the next month will lead to the progress and sense of accomplishment needed to continue as well as build upon that habit.

How do you decide what habit to work on? Ask yourself: What habit will have the biggest impact on my life this month?

Here are some additional strategies for your one habit:

  • Choose an easy goal.

  • Choose something measurable and be consistent. For example: Complete the CrossFit WOD Mon/Wed/Fri at the noon class and go on a 30-minute walk on Sun/Tues/Thurs/Sat.

  • Report daily to someone who keeps you accountable.

  • Keep a positive attitude! Expect setbacks now and then, but just note them and move on. Don’t let embarrassment or shame take over. Work on cultivating a GROWTH MINDSET. (1-2)

What habit will you work on over the next month?

Looking for additional strategies for willpower? Read the rest of the series here: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).



(2) Book: The Power of Less