"Work Hard and Be Nice To People"

We have a short quote on the door of our office at 925: “Work Hard & Be Nice To People.” I was thinking about how much this simple statement can improve our relationships and our overall positivity day to day and realized it may not always be as easy at it sounds.

Life tends to come at us hard and fast, without regard for our own readiness. It doesn’t make the slightest attempt at setting up convenient appointment times to bring problems for us to work through. Problems and dilemmas just happen. It’s part of life and over time, as we work through each day, we gain more wisdom and patience, and the ability to handle more, or simply make better decisions to help avoid more problems in the future.

While we’re dealing the obstacles we have in front of us, we have the ability to choose not just to work through the problem, but what our attitude will be during those issues. “Work Hard & Be Nice To People” embodies more than keeping your nose down and smiling at people, from my perspective, it also challenges us to maintain a positive attitude through the work.

Changing the way we view difficulties from seeing and dreading something uncomfortable or painful to seeing each situation as an opportunity to learn, grow, and become more resilient can help shift our mindset from one of frustration or anger to one that cultivates thankfulness and an appreciation, even while uncomfortable.

Because of the things we fight through and learn from, we will have more wisdom and know how to handle things better in the future. We can share our experiences with others and help them get through their own struggles. Empathy and understanding we previously did not have can be used to encourage and relate to others as well.

The hard things we go through allow us to “Be Nice To People.” Our personal understanding of life, and being willing to be open with others on what was hard for us gives us a unique ability to be a blessing to those around us. We can also share the joy and excitement with others as they get to the other side of their obstacles.

If we didn’t have to deal with the things in life that are uncomfortable or downright painful, we would never have the opportunity to use what we’ve learned, felt, and grown through to help others.

Romans 5:3 - “…but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance”

2 Corinthians 1:3,4 - “Jesus… who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Romans 8:18 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

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