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Strategies to Increase Willpower (Part 7)

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Here is strategy #7 to increase your willpower. Replace habits.

Imagine you’re trying to break a habit like nightly ice cream binging. When you’re trying to break a habit, one of the most difficult ways to break it is to stop it completely cold turkey without any replacement. Instead, find a healthier replacement option. Maybe you can make a green dream smoothie, or create a homemade alternative that’s free of processed sugar and dairy.

For our Nutrition Challenge participants, it can seem impossible at first to replace ingrained habits like a nightly drink, wine with dinner, a cold drink at the pool, or popcorn with a movie...these are all feel-good habits. But they can be replaced!

Instead of alcohol, try Topo Chico or sparkling coconut water. Instead of microwave popcorn, make homemade organic popcorn on the stove. There are better alternatives that will hopefully leave you feeling so much better both physically and emotionally.

What habit can you work on replacing in the next month?

Looking for additional strategies for willpower? Read the rest of the series here: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).