Make 2022 Your Healthiest Year Yet!

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

If the holidays are leaving you feeling like it’s time to start prioritizing your health again, look no further. Our 2022 New Year Nutrition Kickstart is here for you!

What can you expect with this Kickstart?

Meet with your fellow Kickstart participants at the gym (or on Zoom) every other week to check in, learn nutrition strategies, swap recipes (maybe food too), and have fun building healthy habits. As a group, you will work towards earning as many possible points for the prize Depending on the number of participants, we’ll have you vote on what the prize will be.

Habits tracked for points will include: eating on track, working out, growing a gratitude mindset, and prioritizing sleep and hydration. One common theme that participants report is noticing where they’re lacking in their healthy habits. For many, it’s hydrating well consistently, and for others, it has been sleeping a quality amount of hours.

Why do a Kickstart instead of simply working on your nutrition by yourself? The accountability with your other 925 Athletes as well as the sense of accomplishment with tracking your habits is proven to create a positive experience for those who put in the effort.

What area of your health do you most need to focus on? Join the Kickstart and build the foundation for a healthy 2022 and beyond! Click here to join by January 5, the registration deadline.