What's Your Perfect Day?


We do an exercise at 925 called “Perfect Day.” Our team works through a set of questions that helps us describe our unique idea of a“perfect” day, from when we get up to what we would (or wouldn’t) do at work each day and how much time we would spend with our families and friends.

It’s a surprisingly deep and effective exercise, when the proper thought and honesty are put into it. I’ve seen my own perfect day change over time as I’ve grown or learned more about myself or the needs of my family, as well as our team at the gym. Each time, I’ve gained clarity on the driving purpose behind my life and where I can use the time God has given me more effectively.

For all of us, understanding what our “Perfect Day” looks like isn’t just about evaluating our priorities or envisioning our “best selves”; it’s also about understanding ourselves better and assessing whether we’re using every minute we have to accomplish the purpose on our lives. It can be a profound experience that transcends mere goal setting. There’s something about sharply defining your “Perfect Day” that brings into focus what your goals really should be.

Have your ever thought about your Perfect Day?

Here’s a quick overview on how to build your first one:

  • How would your day start? When would you get up? What would you do?

  • What would your work day look like? Where would you work? What would you be doing? With who?

  • What would your evening look like? How much time would you spend with your family and friends? What would those relationships look like? How would you spend your time with them?

  • How would you relax? What would you focus on or who would you spend this time with? When would you exercise? What would you do? With who?

  • At the end of the day, what would you have accomplished?

This is a great start to help you take the first step in truly understanding how you are spending your time and investing your gifts and energy.

*Thanks to www.twobrainbusiness.com (Chris Cooper) for such a helpful idea!

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