Stay Healthy During the Holidays


By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

The holidays are the perfect time to adopt excuses for healthy habits! Here are a few...

  • “I’m too busy to go to the gym...too many things to do.”

  • “I’ll fix my nutrition after the holidays.”

  • “I deserve to eat 5 donuts instead of dinner...I’ve worked hard this week and life is stressful!”

There are endless excuses for those not-so-great habits that we all have from time to time. But what will help support your health during the holidays is a solid plan + accountability instead of excuses!

When you create a clear plan and add in some consistent accountability, your chances of staying on track and reaching your wellness goals will skyrocket!

Your next step:

Adopt a no-excuses mindset for a healthy lifestyle. Instead of looking for an excuse when you encounter an obstacle, look for an opportunity. For example, the obstacle of getting out of work late and missing your daily WOD, creates the opportunity to complete an afternoon walk outside or do 100 squats while prepping dinner... This is an example of having a growth mindset. What you focus on grows. So choose to focus on opportunities, rather than obstacles.

Here’s a great opportunity to prepare for which includes a clear plan + accountability: Join our 2021 New Year Nutrition Challenge! Early registration ends December 19 and the final deadline is January 2. Join the 10 participants who are already registered!