What if you could accomplish everything you wanted to?

As I look back on this year and reflect on those I’ve been blessed to work with, I can’t help but wonder why more people don’t realize how much they can accomplish if they just set a goal and work diligently towards it.

I’ve watched my parents consistently lose weight and get in the best health they’ve enjoyed in years. My dad’s improved bloodwork has been especially exciting to see. At 67, he recently received the best blood panel he’s had in close to 40 years (yes.. 40 years!). Before moving to San Antonio, he and my mom both started by working on their nutrition via the Whole 30 (as close as they could) and then consistently worked to remove as much sugar and processed foods as possible (I’m still on their case from time to time about this one :) ).

Then, they moved to San Antonio and started working out at 925 regularly. Not 5 days a week, but 2-3 and now more regularly 3-4 days (after a year or so). Slowly, steadily their health improved. My mom recently did step-ups to a 16” box and my dad the same - something that seemed fairly insurmountable a year ago. We also completed a 3-hour hike to the summit of Enchanted rock, and down the back side… to everyone’s dismay, too. I had planned a 1.5-2-hr hike, but didn’t realize just how long the trail would be, not to mention how rocky and steep. Yet, they finished it and still had energy for the weekend of family time and keeping up with our 20-month-old son over Thanksgiving!

Their journey to success is simple, really. They didn’t do anything extreme. Just small, consistent adjustments to their lifestyle via nutrition and exercising a few times a week. Yet, so many I meet with “don’t have the time” or “don’t have the budget” or “can’t handle the difficulty.” I apologize if this may sound rude or uncompassionate, but in 99% of these cases, these reasons are just excuses to avoid commitment and the discomfort of change.

Three hours a week can be found by the busiest of us - deep down, you know this, too. It just takes a few minutes to plan and make it a priority.

Budget for most is not an excuse, either, regardless of income. I have seen college kids figure out how to decide not to buy unneeded clothes, decide not to finance a new car (terrible idea as it is!), and come up with what they need to support a Coach, Gym membership, or Nutrition counseling. Others are happy to drop $5 a few times a week on Starbucks or $12 per glass for a few glasses of wine multiple times a week.. or $75 on a night out every weekend.. or… you get the point.

Not being able to handle the difficulty of workouts might be the most reasonable excuse I’ve heard. There are some who truly don’t understand the level of personalization a good coach and program can provide. To some, they see classes with barbells and heavy weights and grow anxious about lifting weights they shouldn’t, or being the last to finish a workout, nervously squatting, pressing, etc. while the whole class watches them struggle. At 925, we strive to render these concerns completely obsolete as quickly as possible.

At 925 for example, we use something called the Level Method where every workout is adjusted to be perfectly matched to each person’s fitness level and ability, while providing the best workout possible. I’ll leave it at this: If my 67 year old parents can do our workouts AND have fun with them, everyone can. And for many who prefer to do things 1 on 1 with a coach, our Personal Training clients receive workouts and attention designed specifically for them each day.

Going back to my main point: You can accomplish much, if not all, you want to by setting a realistic goal and working diligently towards it.

Need to get out of debt? You may have to sacrifice buying some of those new shiny things you want for a few months. Want to build a better relationship? You might need to let go of some time spent on hobbies and spend time on your relationship. Desperately need to improve your health? Give away some time in front of the TV or hobbies and spend a little of your budget on time with a coach.

The secret is admitting it will take work and being willing to sweat a little bit. You can do more than you think!

Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes every day and every decade worth looking forward to. - Greg Anderson

“In all labor there is profit,

But mere talk leads only to poverty.

-Proverbs 14:23

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