Top 4 Priorities for Your Workout - Part 2


Last week I shared with you 2 of the top 4 priorities to keep in mind as you enter the gym each day. My last two recommendations for making your workouts even better are below.

  • Make it YOUR workout.

    Every workout is scalable. Everything can be tailored to each person’s specific needs and that’s a good thing! We are all individuals with incredible individuality, so why would you expect to do the same exact thing as your friend working out next to you? If the coaching team programs Karen as the workout (150 wallballs for time), and your level indicates a wallball weight that will not allow you to finish in the desired time limit, ask your coach to scale the workout. Do not be afraid to modify as you need it. Modifications make hitting that intended stimulus for each workout much easier and that is where the progress is built.

  • Have FUN!

    Whether you are training in our group exercise classes or meeting a coach for a one-on-one session, be sure to have fun with it! CrossFit is great because we get to train alongside other like-minded people every day. If you show up, you have done 90% of the work. The other 10% will be the fun part!

So, let’s recap. Your mindset going into workout each and every day should be:

  1. Move Well.

  2. Know The Workout.

  3. Make it YOUR Workout.

  4. Have FUN!

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