Meet 925 Ambassador: Hunter Dicianna


We’re happy to announce our newest member to the 925 Ambassador Program, Hunter Dicianna.

I have always loved playing sports. At four years old I started playing soccer and I fell in love immediately. At nine years old I joined a summer league swim team and swam for them until I reached the age limit (18). I played soccer until I was 12 years old when middle school sports started. I went to Eisenhower middle school and I played football, basketball, ran track, and was a part of the drama program. Whenever I started high school I had to make a choice between my two passions; sports and drama. On one hand I loved lifting weights and the brotherhood of organized sports but with drama I felt more at home and I could see myself doing it in the future. So I made the choice to continue in the drama program and quit football, but I was still able to get my exercise fix. This is when my mom asked me to be her running partner when she runs half-marathons. In 2011 I ran my first half-marathon with her and since then I have run 13 half-marathons. My first full marathon is on the horizon! After graduating from Churchill, I enrolled at Baylor University, pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts. During this time I became the swim coach for the summer league team I used to swim for and my mom started dating Rich, a regular at CrossFit 925. Their relationship would go on to change my life for the better.

In the summer of 2017 I began my CrossFit journey. Rich had asked me to workout with him and I agreed to go. I had always loved lifting weights and running but I had never done a CrossFit workout in my life. My only knowledge of CrossFit was seeing the Games highlights on Sportscenter and thinking “wow, those guys are nuts!” So going in I was a little nervous, but afterwards I had a revelation. This was exactly what I had been craving. CrossFit is a whole body workout day in and day out. The people that do CrossFit are the most friendly and encouraging people you’ll ever meet. They are excellent accountability partners as well. You do the workouts as a group so you create this environment where you bond through shared hardships. Your only competition in the box is yourself and I love that because there is no room for intimidation or fear of where your fitness level is. I began to attend CrossFit 925 as much as my schedule would allow me to (I could only go in the summers and winter because I was a full time student at Baylor). After graduating from Baylor in the summer of 2019 I entered my third year of CrossFit and for the first time I could be a full-time attendee of CrossFit 925.

The changes I noticed in my fitness level, and even my mental fortitude, were astounding. I was setting goals and reaching them at an unprecedented rate. After about six months of continuous attendance, I was asked to be an Ambassador. I didn’t hesitate at the offer. I absolutely love meeting new people and cheering people on. I remember how I felt the first time I started CrossFit and my goal is to create an environment where people will want to keep coming back. I have been blown away at the level of care that the coaches and owner has, so anything I can do to match that level or even exceed it is the least I can do.

My favorite CrossFit movements are burpees, squatting, rowing, and deadlifts. My least favorites are anything to do with a kettlebell and the assault bike. (A well named machine if you ask me). My hobbies include reading, running, hiking, coaching, and, of course, anything CrossFit related. I cannot wait to see where my CrossFit journey take me. I am in the best shape of my life at 23 years old, and I know it’s only going to get better with hard work and persistence. I am beyond blessed to not only have found this community, but to take on a leadership role in it.

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