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Join HabitStreak!

Have you heard about our new program, HabitStreak? Build healthy habits one at a time with our new HabitStreak program where you start with one habit, work on keeping up your streak, and move to the next habit when you're ready!

Here's how it works:

  • Join us on October 7 at 9am at the gym for all the details to get set up. If unable to attend, I'll send you the information.

  • Choose a goal. This can be in the area of fitness, nutrition, or another area.

  • Write down the habits that will help you reach your goal.

  • Optional: Schedule a monthly nutrition session to discuss your goals/habits.

  • When you have written down a list of habits that will help you reach your goals, choose 1 habit to begin.

  • Track your 1 habit on paper or the app.

  • The longest streaks enter the leaderboard! How long will your streak be?

Register here!