925 Strong

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Our Athlete of the Month is Jon G!

Jonathan has been working out at 925 Strong for around 4 years and has leveled up to Purple. We're so proud of his consistency and incredible progress!

925: What was your fitness routine like before CrossFit?


Jon: It was fairly nonexistent...A lot of running and what little I could convince myself to do.


925: What first appealed to you about CrossFit?


Jon: I just wanted to give it a try.  I heard good and bad things about it but I wanted to experience it for myself.


925: When did you start CF, and what were your goals?


Jon: Nov 2018.  Just to try and get in better shape.


925: Tell me about your first WOD, if you can remember it. If not, what are some of the first exercises/types of workouts you did at your first box? What were your initial thoughts on your performance/what you signed up for?


Jon: I can't remember the first WOD.  But I do remember there was a very short time when I would think “this won't be that bad”…but it was always that bad.


925: Did you ever feel like giving up or that CrossFit was too tough?


Jon: I never thought about giving up.  I have always enjoyed the challenge.


925: What have been some of the biggest challenges for you during WODs? (i.e., running [endurance], stamina, strength, body-weight movements, etc.)


Jon: The biggest challenge for me has been stamina.  Everything else has improved over time but stamina has always been a challenge.


925: How has your nutrition changed as a result of CrossFitting consistently? Do you think nutrition has a lot to do with your performance during WODs?


Jon: I definitely eat ‘better’ now than before I started going to Crossfit.  If I do not consume proper nutrition then my workouts and overall feelings will suffer.  


925: What have been some of your biggest accomplishments in CrossFit?


Jon: A slow and steady increase in strength and performance…which is awesome because I am pushing 50.  


925: Have you achieved the goals you had in mind when you first began? If not, how close are you to reaching them?


Jon: My goal is to continue to improve (big or small).  As long as I keep improving then my goals will be met.


925: Have you set any recent goals for yourself? If so, what are they?


Jon: Strict BMU and RMU.


925: How has CrossFit positively affected your life outside the box?


Jon: It has increased my physical health which has contributed to positive mental health.  Proper physical and mental health are key to dealing with the daily tasks and stress of everyday life.


925: What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?


Jon: The people.  ALL the coaches (past and present) are awesome.  


925: Do you have any advice for anyone reading this who may be frightened or intimidated by CrossFit?  What would you say to those who think they're not young enough, in shape enough, or athletic enough to do CrossFit?


Jon:  I use over 80% of my effort just to get to the gym.  The other 20% (or less) is used to do the actual workout.  The coaches and the other athletes pull me through every class.  My advice is to show up and put in whatever effort you have remaining.  If you are consistent in simply showing up then you will eventually reach your goals.