925 Strong

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Our 2023 Gym Family Plan

We’ve been spending some serious time thinking about 2023 and what we want to accomplish as a gym and how best to help each of our clients and their families improve their lives.

The best way we can do this as a team, is by holding up our end of the bargain. We could simply run a gym where you show up, enjoy a good workout and great people, Coaches who care about you and help you move better and push yourself to improve during class, and then go home and continue about your life. Doing so would be good.

Good isn’t enough. We need to provide more. We want to provide something great!

In general, the people who have made the most progress, with results and lifestyle improvements that have literally lasted years, now pushing into a decade or more, have been from those who have done the following:

  • Maintained a close relationship of accountability and encouragement with their Coach OR Nutrition Coach

  • Due to the above, kept a consistent workout schedule of 3 to 5 days a week

  • Also due to the above, made lasting changes to their Nutrition habits

  • Most importantly, in my experience, they had strong relationships within the 925 community and had fun being involved when they could

As a team, we plan to step up our intensity and focus on building the relationship above.

As a client, you should expect us to make the time and effort to get to know you and your goals more than surface level.

What to look for from us to help you have as much success and long-lasting health and mindset improvement is as follows:

  • You will have a Coach assigned to you.

  • Your Coach will contact you (multiple times and varying means as necessary —- phone, text, email, carrier pigeon… :) ) and make time to sit down with you and get to know you and your goals on a personal level, outside of class.

  • Your Coach will regularly ask and help you with your goals. We’ll include Goals, Level Method Assessments and InBody scans to help have measure-able results.

  • Our team will keep you in the loop ahead of time on community events (our goal is providing a quarterly event schedule) so you can plan and enjoy being involved with the 925 family. We’ll also work hard to be creative and come up with awesome things to do together!

  • We will provide multiple options to work with our Nutrition program to improve your nutrition. 100% of positive, lasting results over the last 11 years came from those who improved their nutrition in some form or fashion.

  • Finally, we’ll provide the most fun, challenging, personalized classes and programming possible. Our goal is for you to leave class each day smiling :)

Look for these things to happen! If they aren’t, or you have not been contacted by your coach by the end of the month, please let us know. We’ll make sure you get plugged in!

We’re looking forward to an awesome year of helping you!!