925 Strong

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CrossFit 925 Has Changed My Life for the Better

"I cannot speak highly enough of Crossfit 925. Everything that they have to offer is elite. The coaching staff is world class. They are so knowledgeable and well versed in the movements that they create a feeling of safety and trust. Whenever they correct you, they speak with kindness and are always uplifting. The facility is hands down the best Crossfit box i have ever been to. While i was in college I joined a few different boxes and nothing compares to Crossfit 925. It is an open structure with plenty of equipment and it's location is ideal for outdoor work as well. But above all else, I am in love with the community at Crossfit 925. The athletes that workout there are the most friendly, and encouraging people you will ever meet. From the moment you decide to join CF925 you are a part of a caring family. The coaches and athletes genuinely care about your well being, and that is something that I haven't found anywhere else. That level or care and trust creates an environment where you don't have to worry about your level of fitness and you don't have to worry about competing. Everyone there is all about bettering themselves while holding their peers accountable. I am always welcomed with a smile, kind words, and an amazing workout. I highly recommend coming by and checking out what we have to offer. Crossfit 925 has changed my life for the better and it can change yours too! I hope to see you soon :)" - Hunter