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Strategies to Increase Willpower (Part 6)

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Here is strategy #6 to increase your willpower. Plan ahead and anticipate obstacles to your goal.

When is willpower the least strong? At the end of the day. This is called decision fatigue. You’ve made so many decisions throughout the day that decisions at the end of the day can become low quality...going through the fast food drive-through for example.

What can you do?

Plan ahead! Meal prep on the weekend and make sure there are a variety of healthy options in your fridge/pantry throughout the week.

Make PLANNING a PRIORITY and see what a difference it makes when challenges come your way. Also, ask yourself what other obstacles there are to reaching your goal, and strategize from there.

Looking for additional strategies for willpower? Read the rest of the series here: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).